Sunday 1 June 2014

There is business in Nursing Homes and Patient Hotels!

When I think about business in the field of social and health care, the first thing is "the hot potato", nursing homes. Many communities in Finland have outsourced the eldercare, at least some parts of it. I have visited Esperi Care, this is the picture of their building in Helsinki.
The presentation of their practicies was very owerwhelming, but unfortunately also Espery has been reported to neglect the roster of the nurses - not enough employees during the shifts.
The other quite new business concept is the patient hotel - we have the Norlandia Care Patient Hotel just almost next to our school!
I have discussed with the manager and I think the main problem at this moment is that the communities and the City of Tampere does not quite realize yet what are the advantages and money savings, not to mention the customer satisfaction, when using  patient hotel instead of having the patient lying in the hospital between different operations, for instance. The hotel room is substantially cheaper than the 24 hours in the hospital - it also gives the hospital bed to another, more severe ill patient.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Intro and pretask: What do you think about business in social and health care?

Is business only for making money? Is that the only driver for becoming an entrepreneur? Is business in social and health care somehow unethical? Or can it make good for people better services, more individual based approach? We have different ideas and attitudes towards entrepreneurship which result from e.g. family history, political approach, personal experiences, media...

The course of entrenepreneurship in social and health care is for gaining, sharing and reflecting about entrepreneurship and enhancing knowledge and skills what becoming and being an entrenepreneur entails especilly in the field of wellbeing services, which in Finland, are mostly produced by public sector. However, the share of private enterprises or cooperatives is already 25% in health care and nearly 1/3 in social services. Becoming an entrenepreneur is an option for employment also for professional in social services, the field most of the graduates from DP in Social Services will be engaged in future.

What are your thoughts of the words "entrepreneur" or "business" bring to your mind? Take photos or use old ones which resemble your ideas, thoughts, attitudes towards these words and write short comments to your pictures. Picture can also be a mind map or a drawing. Please also comments on each others' words.

This is mine- these are the things that I think entrenepreneurship needs: shameless activity (50%), motivation (35%) and skills (15%). I think that by doing, you learn a lot...but to be an entrenepreneur in social and health would require professional skills more than 15% still.
Also, I think, that good ethics mean good business.

See your pictures soon! ..Best UM